




Academic Specialty Codes

What is an Academic Specialty Code?

Education Level
Academic Specialty

·         The Education Level is the current amount of education earned. (P = Master's Degree)
·         The Year is when the education level was earned.
·         The Academic Specialty is a four digit alphanumeric code:
o    The first character represents the General Area of Study; in the example above 8 represents Physical Sciences.
o    The second character is the Major Academic Field; in the example above 8C is Chemistry.
o    The third character is the Specialization; in the example above 8CC is Biochemistry.
o    The fourth character is the Sub-specialization; in the example above 8CCM is Microbiological Chemistry.
·         The Method is the source of the education received; in the example above Y means that the member paid for the degree on their own.
·         The School Code is a three-digit code used to designate a specific school; in the example above BOE is Boston University.

General Area of Study

You can determine what the first number of an academic code is by using one of the ten general areas of study. If it is not clear what the area is, check the zero (0) area of study. The zero contains most computer areas of study (except engineering), operations research, etc.

For a breakout of education codes by general area of study (along with education code descriptions), click on the general area of study below.

Click here for a current list of academic specialty codes from MilPDS

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Air Force Institute of Technology
2950 Hobson Way
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7765
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